Disciplines of Fasting & Abstinence:
Catholics in good health of ages 18 to 59 are required to fast and abstan from meat on Ash Wednesday & Good Friday.
Fasting consists of eating only one meal, with the possibility of two smaller snacks that do not add up to a single full meal.
Catholics age 14 and older are o abstain from meat on all Fridays during Lent.
Almsgiving - Loaves & Fishes Campaign:
Once again this year, our Parish will participate in the Catholic Charities Loaves & Fishes campaign. As we prayerfully offer our Lenten sacrifices, please consider almsgiving as reflective of your sacrifices to the Loaves & Fishes collection weekly throughout Lent. Catholic Charities relies on our generosity to help fund many of their programs.
Every Friday during Lent, except Good Friday on April 15th, Stations of the Cross will be held in the Church at 7:00pm. We will pray and meditate at each Station to commemorate the Passion of Christ and His Sacrifice for us. All are welcome.
The Diocese of Bridgeport will one again hold "Reconciliation Monday" during Holy Week. This year it falls on Monday, April 11, 2022 and will be hosted from 3:00pm to 9:00pm in select parishes around the Diocese. Reconciliation will be available at the following parishes: (For a complete list of parishes across the Diocese please go to www.bridgeportdiocese.org)
St. Andrew Parish: 435 Anton Street, Bridgeport St. Lawrence Parish: 505 Shelton Avenue, Shelton
St. Ann Parish: 481 Brewster Street, Bridgeport St. Mark Parish: 500 Wigwam Lane, Stratford
St. Augustine Parish: 359 Washington Avenue, Bridgeport St. Catherine of Sienna Parish, Trumbull
St. James Parish: 2070 Main Street Stratford St. Rose of Lima Parish, 46 Church Hill Road, Newtown
Christ the King
Maureen Hance, Religious Education Coordinator
Amy Gramolini, Business Manager