The structure upon which the Mass is celebrated. The altar is symbolic of the table upon which Jesus celbrated the Last Supper with His Apostles. The altar also recalls the Cross, upon which Jesus was crucified as the sacrificial lamb for the redemption of our souls.
The bells are used to call Parishioners to the Mass, to draw our attention to the begining of the Mass, and of His real presence in the Holy Eucharist.
Candles are always used for the celebration of Mass, and at special occassions - such as Baptism, to remind us that Jesus is the Light of the World.
The cup that holds the wine which will soon become the Precious Blood of Christ. It should be noble and beautiful, as it is the vessel which holds the price of the world's salvation, the Precious Blood of Christ
The vessel in which the hosts are kept, which will be consecrated at Mass and will become the Body of Christ. Following Mass, the Holy Eucharist, the Body of Christ, is kept in a ciborium, and reserved in the tabernacle.
The square piece of linen which is unfolded and placed on the altar. The Chalice and the Paten which contain the bread and wine for the celebration of the Eucharist are placed upon it.
There is always a crucifix on or near the altar upon which the Eucharist takes place.
Just as Christ carried His cross, so too in the Mass He gives us the strength we need to carry the crosses which come to us in life.
Reminds us of our Baptism, which cleansed us of the guilt of original sin, making us adopted children of God and members of His Church.
The vessel which enthrones and exposes the Holy Eucharist for prayer and adoration by the faithful.
Small square cover placed on the Chalice during Mass. Through the centuries, the pall came to symbolize the stone which was placed over Christ's tomb.
The small dish upon which the priest's Host is placed during the celebration of Mass.
An object, usually part of the body or clothes, remaining as a memorial of a departed saint. It is customary for relics to be placed in the altar upon which the Mass is celebrated.
The area just around the altar; usually placed at a higher level, to bring to mind mountains in Scripture which are places of privileged encounters with God.
his is the candle that burns near the tabernacle, to indicate that Christ in the Eucharist is present within it.
The 14 Stations of the Cross in every Catholic church allow us accompany Christ on His path to His Crucifixion, through which He saved the world.
Statues remind us that the Saints are praying and interceding for us in Heaven, just as our friends and family do for us here on earth. We do not pray to the statues, but rather to the person in Heaven whom the statue represents.
We currently have the following statues:
Our Lady of Fatima - interior of the Church by the candles
Saint Joseph - interior of the Church
Mary - in the hallway leading to the Parish Office
Risen Jesus - in the hallway leading to the Parish Office
The vessel in which the Blessed Sacrament is reserved outside of Mass. From the Tabernacle, Jesus sees us, hears us, and loves us. Because it contains Jesus Himself, the tabernacle is the heart of every Catholic Church.
Christ the King
Maureen Hance, Religious Education Coordinator
Amy Gramolini, Business Manager