Our mission is:
Our goals are:
Our Program
Christ the King offers religious education to help parents fulfill the promises made at your child’s Baptism: to educate and nurture your child in the Catholic faith. Classes for grades 1 – 9 are offered by the parish and are conducted after-school on weekdays from September through May. According to the regulations of the Diocese of Bridgeport, a child must attend classes in a catechetical program for at least two years prior to receiving a Sacrament.
Sacramental Years
Grade 2 is a sacramental preparation year for first Confession, which is celebrated in the fall of Grade 3. Children prepare for the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist and celebrate it for the first time in spring of Grade 3. The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated in Grade 9. In addition to regular weekly classes, students are required to attend a special retreat to prepare for the reception of these Sacraments. Families will receive additional information regarding sacramental requirements.
Our Volunteers
The Faith Formation Program at Christ the King Parish depends on dedicated catechists and hall monitors who share their time and talents. All volunteers are 18 years and older, and are required to complete "Protecting God's Children" VIRTUS training class. The diocese also provides additional training for catechists. Please contact the Faith Formation office if you are interested in joining our team! For more information contact Maureen Hance, Religious Education Coordinator at maureen.hance@christthekingtrumbull.org or (203)261-2583.
If you are new to town and would like to enroll your child, please contact the Faith Formation Office at
maureen.hance@christthekingtrumbull.org or (203)261-2583. All children registering for the first time must provide proof of Baptism and First Holy Communion before they will be placed into a class.
Click here to register for Faith Formation classes.
Christ the King
Maureen Hance, Religious Education Coordinator
Amy Gramolini, Business Manager